Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disappearances are a must.......

I know, I know. How long since my last post? Well, I'm not even going to look. A long time, I can tell you that. It does, however, seem to be the norm in the blogosphere to disappear every now and again. Sometimes, never to resurface again. I like to keep you guessing. That, and I have been busy with a hint of lazy.

Now that I have given you a quick explanation of my absence, how about a quick update?

Honestly, I do not even know where I left off. Life is insane with children and babies. Good insane, but insane none the less. So- first an update on those of us living at our urban farm.

Possibly the cutest of the farmers, Baby R and Miss M

Well, my little Baby R is now an (almost) graduated sitter, baby food eater (homemade organic when possible), public speaker of the baby basics (mama,dada,baba), and all around cutie. I am proud to announce she is on track with all growth and development, and is a happy happy baby (most of the time). :) She almost 7 months!

Miss M. Oh, my Miss M. Where to begin? M has just recently turned the ripe old age of 4. She is in a combo dance class this summer and getting ready to start her 1st year of school (pre k). Ah, where has the time gone? Where the lively Miss M is small for her age, she makes up for it with a larger than life attitude. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Her current obsessions include Tangled, dance, playing vacation bible school, and dress up. She is also in Chocoholics Anonymous. ;)

Nick- Passing on his favorite past time.

My lovely husband......The love of my life, father of my children, head of our household, skateboard extraordinaire, loud annoying music lover, and Miss M's inspiration. And where as that last part may sound sooo sweet, don't let it fool you. They are conspiring against me ,I tell you. They enjoy picking up each others less than appetizing behaviors and testing them out on yours truly. They drive me mad some days and melt my heart others. I just pray for more heart melting. :)
Anywho, Nick is doing great. Since last posting some positive things have happened for him. He has finally seen his dream of a real, quality skate park (almost) come true. He started propositioning the city, and then working closely with them, to get a concrete, professional quality skateboard park brought to our hometown. (He, and his friends, also are the reason the first skate park was brought to this town :) ) I must say I am quite proud of my man. On a side note, the park is not yet here. Expected completion was end of June, then July, and now, hopes are by end of August. I will post pics of the progress! As well as some links to the articles written on the subject.

As for me...(sorry for lack of pic! I have none that are recent) Not a whole lot of new here. I'm a crazy, busy, lazy, book loving, tired mama. As with most mothers, I am in a constant battle with diet and exercise (they seem to win most days...meaning I avoid anything to do with them). Mainly I am just busy raising babies, cleaning, driving them to and fro from function, appointment, etc., and occasionally crafting. I have also recently allowed my love of books and reading to resurface. Oh, how I missed you. I rarely have the time to sit and really enjoy a book, or reading, but when I do, well, its pretty great. I've been stuck on romance and fiction novels lately. Someday I will realize my dream of being a (paid) book reviewer. Someday........
Also, on the note of naturals and organic. I have stopped uv tanning all together. Which I know I should have done forever ago. Cut a girl some slack. I have, however, been engaging in the occasional spray tan. I really enjoy them. I am sure they are laden with chemicals, but I will not think about that. As for personal hygiene- I have stopped making my own shampoo. It was stripping all of my color out, and because I had recently lightened it, (from black to blondish brown) it was turning a horrid color. Also it seemed to go back into the transitional stage every few weeks or so. Odd. So I gave up. Yup, I admit it. I'm much to busy (and lazy) to keep trying and looking gross in the process. We are still making our own body wash and laundry soap sometimes. When convenience rears its ugly head, I go ahead and buy some. We are still mainly using naturals and natural cleaners for everyday messes. They seem to work just as well. I am also going back and forth from making baby wipes to purchasing them (all depending on the need for quick and easy convenience). I feel that honesty is the best policy, especially when speaking of my own life and experiences. So, where as I may not be the staple person for a clean, natural, organic lifestyle, at least I can give my honest, experienced input.

As for the garden. The weather is killer. Tons of heat (weeks at a time of over 90 degree temps, 100 degrees most days) and very little to no rain. My water bill is definitely suffering. My cucumbers died, as well as my squash. My potato plants died but we still harvested about 5-8lbs of  delicious yukon golds. I also harvested a large amount of carrots. My green peppers have stunted growth and never did anything. The tomatoes have produced a minimal amount of fruit but are still alive and trying. We have also gotten 3 good batches of green beans, and they still seem to be producing. Slowly but surely. My watermelons also look well. I have 5 small variety watermelon on 2 watermelon vines. I sure hope they keep it up. And, last but not least, my herbs. They seem to be doing well. Water deprived, but well. The constant watering is killing me.

And don't even get me started about the darn birds. They are another post entirely.

Oh, and Shug. He's doing well. Alive and kicking, and not scaring away fox, raccoons, or stray cats. More on that later.

phew! That's a lot of information to process. I'll let you chew through that for now. Keep an eye out, you never know when I'll reappear. :)

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