Sunday, April 15, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

We have been ridiculously busy lately. My creative juices have been flowing into way to many outlets.

I get like that. Every so often I get an itching. An itching for something. I don't ever know when it will hit or what that something may be. Oh but when it does, watch out. Once it's in my head I can't get it out until its manifested itself in some form or another.

Lately I've been sewing, painting, cooking, baking, and redecorating. Most with the help of Nick of course (the painting and redecorating.) Really I can't take much credit for the painting. When I paint all hell breaks loose. Paint spots on the floor, the furniture, even things covered or taped off get painted. I don't know how I do it, but it definitely happens. Anywho, here are some of our recent  projects-

Recycled Skateboard Clock

We started to re-do our living room. The walls are lime green (the picture looks minty, but it really isn't) and the trim and most furniture is white. It's a new modern twist for us. Most of our house is decorated in country farm house type style. But for some reason or another I got an itching for some bright colors. Nick made this clock out of an old skateboard for the new living room. Pretty neat huh?

Banana Bread and my Big Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Dehydrated Strawberries

Honey Wheat Bread

My big thing the past couple weeks has been cooking and baking. I have loved to bake and cook since I was little. However, I wasn't always that great at it. Once I became a mama it just kinda hit me. I can find my way around the kitchen now and most of the time it turns out awesome. I really wish I had more time for cooking and baking, it really gets my creativeness flowing. It's also a great way to see your beautiful finished product in a short period of time. Unlike crafting, sewing, etc. where it can take days to finish projects fully. When you cook or bake you get to start with a mish mash of ingredients and the end result can be gorgeous and delicious!

I have been dehydrating a lot lately. Nick's mom got me a dehydrator for Christmas. My old one mysteriously got ruined when a certain someone washed the motor part. So, I finally got a chance to bust out my new one. I have been dehydrating apples, bananas, strawberries, and kiwis. Miss M loves all of it, which is great. They definitely make some great snacks, and super easy to make!

I've also been baking like crazy. My banana bread and chewy cookies are pretty great. lol Not to toot my horn, but they really are pretty good. I made some last week and it was gone in 2 days. So today I am trying to bake up everything we are going to need for the week. I made some cookies for desert, banana bread for breakfasts, and honey wheat bread for.....well, bread. I'll put recipes up for the banana bread and honey wheat bread soon. I also froze 6 muffin cups filled with banana bread batter for later. I have never tried this before but I have read it works out great. I'll let ya know.

I've also been making a ton of stuff. We happened upon a shop in a town close to us that sells crafts. They're called Square Crafters in Canton, Il. It's a really neat shop. The lady who owns it is great. They have vendors who bring in their crafts (not primitive or country stuff, since that's basically all we have around here) and she sells them. There is a really neat mix of stuff in there. So I talked to her for a bit, she checked out my stuff, and now I'm workin on stuff to take in there! I'm pretty excited about it. If only I had more time. But hopefully here soon I will be able to take a load up there. I can't wait.

I've also been working on a bunch of these. They are reusable baggies. So cool. It's fabric on the outside and thick freezer bag plastic on the inside. They Velcro shut and can be wiped clean. I also did a lot of testing on them after I made them up. This version worked best and kept bread and crackers soft and crunchy respectively for 48 hours. So great! M has been using this one for her banana chips and strawberry chips. Because of the Velcro she can take open and close it easily so we can take it everywhere. (no spills) Oh, and P.S. I have these on my FB page for sale. :)

I'll put pics up of our new living room soon. Well, whenever we finish it. Hopefully that's soon lol.

Ok, crazy kids are up and going again so I should probably get back to real life!

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