Sunday, April 22, 2012

Super Cute Plastic Bag Holder Tutorial

Most of us have one of these. The ugly, store bought, bag sack. Now, don't get me wrong, they were a great invention! Who wants drawers or closets with filled with old plastic grocery bags floating around? I sure don't. But come on people! I also don't want plain on nasty fabric sacks to put them in either. What do they have against color and style?

That is my tired and worn out bag sack up there. And, while I try to use re usable cloth bags when I shop, every once in a while I will use the plastic ones. Like for a large shopping trip, when my bags aren't enough, or when I'm nearly out of plastic bags. I save every one (that isn't ripped) and reuse it. When we had cats indoors we used to scoop litter into them. Now a days they are mostly used as garbage bags for our little bathroom trash cans and for painting and craft surfaces. My bag hangs in a closet, far from sight, lest someone see the sadness of it. But no more! Here's a super easy tutorial for a super cute and customizable plastic bag holder! Even if you aren't a great sewer, or are just starting out, you can totally do this!
This ones for you Mrs. McElhiney.

  • Things you are going to need:
  • Sewing Machine
  • Iron
  • 1/4'' Elastic
  • Strips of fabric (As many as you want) They need to be 18'' wide, but can be as long as you want. My bag is about 18'' by 25'' before finished.

Start off by cutting your strips. 18'' wide works well. I didn't measure the length of each strip, I just eye balled it. (P.S. This is the front of the strips after they are sewn, ignore that, this picture is just to show the strip size and colors. lol )

After you have the strips arranged how you want them flip them over in the same pattern. Take the ends of two strips of fabric (the wide side) and line them up and pin together. Repeat for all of the strips until you have the whole bag pinned.

This is all of the strips pinned on the WRONG side of the fabric.

Next sew down the pinned sides. Be careful not to catch the other strips of fabric as you sew. If you have never sewn anything like this before it may feel a little weird. To know you are doing it correctly, flip your bag over before you start sewing so you can see how it will look. The lines may not be perfect before you sew but you will be able to see how the seems will be on the underside of the fabric.

After you have finished you will have one big piece of fabric (like my first picture). With wrong side facing up we will make the casing for the elastic. Heat up your iron now. On one end (in this case, my green strips) fold down about 1/4'' and iron flat. Now fold down about 1/2'' and iron again. Repeat for the other end.

This is the casing after it has been folded. You fold two times so you don't have a rough edge, it gives a finished look. You shouldn't need to pin this, but you can if you want! Then sew along the bottom of the fold.

Next you will cut the elastic. For the top of the bag I used elastic at 8'' long and a piece 6'' long for the bottom.

Sorry for the blurry picture! Next put a safety pin in the end of your elastic. This helps thread it through. As you start to thread it through the casing, stop once you get to the end of the elastic. You can either pin the end of the elastic at the start of your casing or sew it in place now. (go back and forth a couple of times with your machine to make sure its going to stay) Now finish threading the elastic, bunching the fabric as you go. When you get it all the way through remove the safety pin and sew the elastic in place at this end of the casing. If you pinned the other end before, sew now. Repeat for opposite end of bag.

Sewing the elastic in place.

Now, with right sides together (bag inside out) fold it in half and pin together. You may need to move it around a bit to get the strips lined up properly before pinning. Then sew down the length of the bag. Go slow over the ends with the elastic and be sure to back stitch into place at the beginning and end.

Turn your bag right side out. Look at you! You made a bag!

Now we are going to make the loop to hand it with. Make sure you find the top of your bag (the one with the bigger opening).

Cut a piece of fabric 8'' x 2''. On each of the 8'' sides fold down 1/4'' and iron. Now fold the strip in half width wise and iron. You will have a thin, long strip of fabric. Sew down the length of the strip where the two sides meet, as shown above.

Fold your strip in a loop shape, one end on top of the other end. Pin in place at the TOP opening of your bag. I sewed mine into place at the same spot the seam from the casing was sewn so avoid a bunch of stitched lines.

You did it! Now go hang your bag and stuff that sucker!

My bag, hanging and half stuffed.

Let me know if you try this out!

1. You can make your bag any width and length very easily! The only difference will be the elastic length. If you don't want to do the math to figure out the perfect length, and who does?, then just use a peice you know is a little too long. Thread it through the same way, but once you get it through the second opening bunch the fabric until desired opening is created and cut off the access elastic.

2. You don't have to use a fabric loop. You could use another piece of elastic or some pretty ribbon! (I just wanted mine to match perfectly)

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