Monday, March 26, 2012

The Many Uses of Castile

I had the pleasure this weekend of helping a family member.  It was an awesome experience for me to share something I am so passionate about and actually be helpful!! Long story short she had some super unruley hair and after one washing with a detoxing baking soda rinse followed by my castile soap shampoo and acv rinse it had already greatly improved. She is just at the VERY beginning stages of detox and transition period but, with her permission, at the end of her transition period I will put up a post about her process. So keep an eye out!

What a great way for me to start off my week! I'd like to give you guys something to start your week off with a bang as well! As most of you know, we have been using castile soap around here for everything. This is a list of the things you can do with castile soap! If you didn't notice I'm pretty excited about it.......I'm a cheapo, ok? So when I find one product, one organic product without ANY chemicals and for a reasonable price, that can be used for SOO many things....Ahhh, score.

  1. Shampoo- The obvious 1st choice for my list. A simple recipe for a super simple shampoo can be found in my tutorials or google it! (gotta love google) A great way to detox and get great, shiny, chemical free hair! Not to mention it is hypo allergenic and perfect for those with sensitive skin. Also works for babies and kids! (not tear free! so keep away from their eyes)
  2. Body Wash- I have not personally used a body wash recipe yet, but will update when I do. I have however used watered down castile soap or my shampoo to wash my body. I have also used it to spot clean my girls ("Please be chocolate on your face...."). They also have super sensitive skin and have had zero problems. You can use liquid castile watered down or melt down bar castile soap and add water to desired consistency. The 2nd is a great option for those of you who love your creamy body wash.
  3. Dish soap- We are new to the dish soap scene. The recipe I have been using is 1 cup liquid castile soap in peppermint, 1/4 cup hot water, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1/8 cup of vinegar, 5 drops peppermint essential oil. This recipe does not foam (remember people, suds does not equal clean!), but getting used to no foam is hard. An option for the foam lovers out there- a foaming soap pump. This also helps so that you don't over use your soap. We have had no problems other than the no foam, our dishes come out clean and smelling great, no water spots so far.
  4. Laundry soap- Another personal fave. You can also find the recipe in my tutorials. I have not tried different scents yet because I'm loving washing all of our clothes together. (instead of baby R's separate) Also we have had no adverse skin reactions! In a house of sensitive skinned people that is quite a success. We use powder, but liquid can be made easily as well. Clothes come out clean and soft with out the use of fabric softener.
  5. Baby wipes/ cosmetic wipes- Recipes found in my tutorials. With all the chemicals in EVERYTHING, I was so glad to find this recipe for baby wipes. I know my baby is clean and chemical free.
  6. Car Wash- Yup, even your car can use castile! We just tried this out last week. In a large pail or bucket fill with warm water. Add a few squirts of castile soap and 1/4 cup of washing soda. Mix it up. Give it a feel. Once again it will not be sudsy but you will feel the soap in it. Feel free to add more soap if you need to. Using a soft cloth, or rag or brush meant for car cleaning, scrub your ride down. Be sure to rinse as you wash to avoid weird dried spots. We also waxed after we washed, but, the wash worked just as well if not better than any other car wash liquid or soap we have ever used.
  7. Tooth paste- Yup, tooth paste. I dare ya to try it! I won't lie, I have not had the cojones to try this one yet.....soap, in my mouth? I don't swear THAT much. lol But honestly, I have gotten a little bit of soap from my shampoo on my face and near my mouth and it almost tasted sweet. So, maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be horrible. I'll let ya know!
  8. Pet wash- Make a wash similar to shampoo, about equal parts soap and water. If you have a particularly smelly pet use more soap! Or add in some essential oils. As of right now, you probably have seen, we only have chickens and a cat.......I will not be bathing any of them any time soon. The last time Shug got a bath? Nick had the battle scars to prove it.
  9. Hand Soap- Take an old foaming hand soap pump and put in equal parts soap and water. You can even do less soap and more water. This stuff is SUPER concentrated, don't worry - you will still get just as clean! And this is coming from a germ freak, so take heart. The foam pump will give you a nice lather and make it last a long time!
  10. Cleaning products- A small squirt on a rag or sponge can be used to clean counter tops, sinks, tables, etc. You can also add a few squirts to a spray bottle of distilled water for spot cleaning! 1-3 tbs in a sink or bucket of water makes the perfect mopping solution.
  11. Face wash- A couple drops of castile soap is the perfect all natural, organic, chemical free face wash. My trusty honey has been serving me well, but with planting season upon us I have been getting extra sweaty (cute right?) during the day. I have been washing once a day with castile soap on the extra sweaty days. It has been great, not clogging my pores, not drying me out or making me oily.
Ok, so this was supposed to be a 10 point list but I couldn't leave out the face wash. So you get 11. This week, I challenge you guys to go out and give at least one of these a try! You can get castile soap at your local health food/ vitamin store. I also hear that Target sells dr bronners is multiple sizes, including a small travel size. I also get mine from (as well as my essential oils and other natural ingredients)

P.S. If you live near me, or know me personally, get a hold of me! I'd love to send ya home with a little bit of castile so you can give it a try!

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