Friday, March 23, 2012

You naughty chickens.....

In the past week we have been doing all kinds of yard work. It has been absolutely beautiful here. Nick got our garden boxes all tilled up and all our garden beds all cleaned out. Most of our flowers are all coming up and we have even been getting ready to put potatoes in the ground. BUT, the chickens......Oh how they love dirt.

 The constant pecking and scratching? Cute. The bawking they do all morning until we let them out (spoiled brats)? Cute. The way they run away when I try to catch them, as if I wanted to eat them.....? Cute. The kicking of the mulch out of ALL of my flower beds all over the yard? Even that is slightly adorable. But,  as soon as I put in two rows of lettuce today, they thought it was a free for all! ERR darn chickens! What exactly makes a freshly planted and watered garden spot any different from all of the other garden beds In a chickens eyes? I will probably never know, but each one of those dern chickens went right for that newly sewn plot! I chased them away in vain, only for them to return time and time again.

After another trip to the farm supply store- we returned home with fence posts, chicken wire, steel pipes, and a plan. We are going to designate a chicken area. They will still have a good little plot of land but not be able to get any where near my garden! We will still have a gate on the fence so they can come out to the rest of the yard when we can monitor them. Unfortunately, until my dad can come with the rest of our needed items and his help, they will have to be kept pinned up. Lucky for them, I found the best thing!  A chicken toy! Chicken toy- $3. Look on husbands face when he realized I was buying the chickens a TOY- priceless!

So, the idea that the aforementioned chicken toy would keep them busy was a little un realistic. They bawked their pretty little heads off all morning until nick said "Babe, we can't let them do that all day!" lol Ok,ok, so they were let out and once again my gardening was put on hold. Luckily my dad came that night and helped put up the fence.

They got a late start, so as you can see it was a bit dark while they were working......and rainy and muddy...... but none the less, the job got done. I have to say I was a bit worried about the look of chicken wire and steel posts in my back yard, but all together it turned out pretty good. Thanks dad!!

And, not to be forgotten- the chicken toy! It was not enough to keep them busy when they were COOPED up (pardon the pun) but once they were set free they loved it! HA!

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