Thursday, March 22, 2012

TGC- Bug Spray

It's that time of year again. Time for bugs. Yuck
 Well, before you go spraying you and your family down with DEET read this- According to the EPA, while it is approved, it is also know to cause soreness, rashes,and blistering to the skin,and it is a known eye irritant.There are also 18 different cases of kids with adverse neurological effects from DEET,and even more , the deaths of 2 adults has been blamed on DEET. There are also a handful of cases in which psychological effects, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and "numb, burning lips" were present. (Check out the CDC website and the ATSDR, agency for toxic substances and disease registry, for more info- even these guys know its bad)  In lab tests, rats have shown adverse reactions as well- diffuse brain cell death and behavioral changes. Birds and fish are also effected negatively by DEET. It is toxic to these animals and is found in about 75% of our water sources. What can you do? Make your own natural bug spray!

I found this recipe on , as well as other great recipes and info!

Chelsea's Bug Spray-
  • Empty spray bottle ( I used an old hair spray bottle, not the aerosol kind!)
  • Essential oils- I used citronella, lemongrass, and lavender
  • Natural Witch Hazel
  • Boiled or distilled water
  • Vegetable glycerin - this is optional
In your bottle mix half water and half witch hazel ( I used lavender scented witch hazel). Leave room for the glycerin and oil.
Add 1/2 tsp of glycerin (optional)
Now add 30-60 drops of oils. The more you use, the stronger the scent. I did about 20ish drops of citronella, 20ish drops of lemongrass, and 10ish drops of lavender. This is not an exact science, obviously, so get a scent you can live with.
Shake it up.

Apply about every 30 minutes you are outside, the smell is strong when you first apply but will fade, because natural bug sprays tend to wear off much quicker. Also, shake it up before use, if you haven't used it in awhile.

I was getting eaten alive. Well, my feet were anyway. Already, this early in the season! And feet bites, ugh, the worst! I have been applying my bug spray every time before I go outside and I have not had another bite yet! I also put some on M, who has very sensitive skin, and she had no adverse reactions AND no bites.

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